BRLS Posts & Updates
July 5, 2024
60ft of new storage is finished. Switch throws to go.
Happy Railroading!
June 22, 2024
The Maintenance of Way crew, Scotty and John, made it out to BRLS today. There was some storm damage to take care of, then some "leaning" spots and ballast jobs to complete. Gearing for our July Open Run.
Happy Railroading!
May 27, 2024
Hello everyone,
Today we are closing up shop, and heading back home. As always we appreciate each, and every one of you. We hope you will come enjoy this great hobby with our team.
Up Coming:
If you missed us this weekend and would like to join us for some railroading fun, we will be back for more railroading excitement on the weekend of July 6th and 7th. Come ride one of our Titan Trains, and check out our Steam collection.
Ride times are TBD, but individual tours can be arranged.
Happy Railroading!
May 26, 2024
Some early morning track work!
Happy Railroading!
April 14, 2024
Hello everyone,
We are closing out another great weekend at Blue Ridge Live Steamers! We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who came out, participated, and donated! Your support and enthusiasm keeps the hobby alive and wholesome family fun available. We will be back again around Memorial Day!
Happy Railroading!
April 13, 2024
We had a great time running trains today!
Happy Railroading!
April 12, 2024
We were able to get the yard switches operational but not able to repair the controller. We will need more time with the controller. The finish coat of cement was applied to the bridge piers.
Happy Railroading!
April 6, 2024
We did some tie replacement and switch maintenance today. Full steam ahead getting things situated to run trains next weekend.
Happy Railroading!
March 30, 2024
The property has had its first mow of the season. Thanks, John!
Happy Railroading!
March 17, 2024
We had a ton of fun running trains today! Looking forward to our Spring Run!
Happy Railroading!
March 16, 2024
The track never looked so good, Richard would be proud. We stacked firewood for the fire pit, debris was blown from the track, discussion about track right of way, tool pick up, and a rest in a broken chair. We still need help with ground throws, tie replacement, finishing the bridge piers (skim coat of cement), and a slew of other items. We are getting close to our Spring Run!
Happy Railroading!
March 15, 2024
Today’s accomplishments: Painting, ballast, brush clean up, weeds sprayed, and drainage grading.
Happy Railroading!
March 4, 2024
James, Jim, and Craig knocked out some engine maintenance the past couple of days. Carb swap, fuel line replacement, fuel pump replacement, carb cleaning, and a large assortment of other things. There are more small items to address, but the two engines they got to are running well.
Happy Railroading!
February 20, 2024
The engine house had some spring cleaning and organization. The pine pass siding was also installed!
Happy Railroading!
February 18, 2024
The east loop has been installed! The track is running nice all over, including the new east passing loop. The giant brush of old trees in between the tunnel and the east loop has also been cleared. The track site is looking great, and we are looking forward to running trains during the warmer weather!
Happy Railroading!
February 12, 2024
Our static display is off to be refurbished and painted. Thanks to Sharon and company.
Happy Railroading!
January 13, 2024
A big thank you to everyone who contributed today! We had some new attendees and managed to clear approximately 3 acres of brush. There were old track panels we disassembled as well. General cleanup was also productive, and there are fresh, thrilling initiatives coming up. This year is shaping up to be an entertaining running season! We hope to see you there.
Happy Railroading!
October 21, 2023
This weekend sure was a busy one! For starters, James and Annabelle replaced ALL of the mountain line track with new Accu-tie track. The old wood ties were sent to the burn pit, and the rails were saved for possible later projects.
Craig worked on the bridge trusts. They are now in place on the bridge. James and Chuck also got some land cleared of debris, and Chuck also moved dirt for a future siding.
Lastly, James was able to fire his locomotive for the first time! Thanks to everyone for showing up and their help on the line. Lots of trains were ran, and we look forward to running more in the future!
Happy Railroading!
September 21, 2023
The grass is mowed. Everything is back in position at the turntable. Bridge sides should be ready by next weekend to go back on.
Happy Railroading!
September 16, 2023
On Friday, we got some goodies from Accu-tie. I can't say enough good things about Debbie and the entire Accu-tie crew. Great products, fast shipping, and great customer service. Oct. 20 -22 will be when we catch up on some much-needed track maintenance. Including switch points, ground throughs, and replacing rotten ties. A lot of focus will be on the mountain line. Look forward to seeing the track crew
Happy Railroading!
September 4, 2023
Great news from the track! The Mainline is now reopened! Thank you to Craig, Sharon, Ken, Logan, James, Jami, and Tanner for getting the track down and connected during the Labor Day holiday. Rails have been laid and ballasted. We also picked up branches and did some much-needed cleanup.
Happy Railroading!
July 4, 2023
Chuck finished the decking of the tunnel while working hard in the rain. As well as finishing the work on the tunnel floor (including installing a drain pipe and leveling the ground). The tunnel is now ready for the track to be reinstalled, and that will be the focus of the next work session planned!
A BIG thank you to Chuck, Craig, and Sharon for their hard work this weekend! With their help, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, when it comes to big projects.
Happy Railroading!
July 2, 2023
This weekend was a busy work session! Chuck got to the track site on Friday and began work straight away on the tunnel. The start of the holiday weekend was rainy, but Chuck worked hard on the tunnel decking. Craig and Sharon stopped by as well and helped Chuck clear pine needles, branches, and brush from the cutting behind the tunnel.
Happy Railroading!
June 3, 2023
Thanks to everyone for coming out this past weekend. We got a lot done at the track site!
Levi and I worked on removing bits of wood and rock that had fallen in the tunnel. That way, Chuck and Ken can clear out the dirt that has fallen within the tunnel coming up.
Everyone then; got together to clear branches from the track and moved them to burn pits around the site.
We will be having another work session coming up soon to finish work on the tunnel and finish replacing some bad sections of track.
Happy Railroading!
May 27, 2023
Work started on the second half of the tunnel repair this past weekend! The dirt and deck metal were removed, and some bad ties in the sidewall were discovered and replaced. Then work started to rebuild the top.
Happy Railroading!
April 29, 2023
Thanks to everyone for coming this past weekend. We got a lot done at the track site!
Logan and Matt worked on removing the track above and inside the tunnel, near the crossing where a tree had fallen, and another bad section. Around 120 feet were removed! This will help while we work on finishing the renovations to the tunnel, as well as avoiding possible derailments.
There was also work done including weed eating, weed killing, and mowing in pursuit of keeping the track site tidy.
Tunnel work will resume during Memorial Weekend, and we are currently planning another work day to follow.
Happy Railroading!
April 15, 2023
The driveway is back on top of the tunnel!
Happy Railroading!
April 15, 2023
Work on the tunnel continues. Old ties have been replaced with new ones!
Happy Railroading!
March 17, 2023
Chuck and Ken installed some walk boards on the trestle!
Happy Railroading!
September 9, 2022
It was a good work day. Got the grass mowed and worked on the main line and the ballast siding. Then got some metal for the tunnel roof. Also, added a new first aid cabinet.
Happy Railroading!
September 1, 2022
Good work day put some of the roof on the tunnel, cleaned up the rest of the tree and installed two switches, one main line bypass and a ballast switch, and laid some track.
Happy Railroading!
August 26, 2022
Good day at the track, got the grass mowed, and worked on the tree. Took up the last 70 ft of the old track then delivered the switch on our new main line bypass. Continued work on the tunnel and got a new delivery system on the tunnel.
Happy Railroading!
August 21, 2022
Not a bad week! Chuck came down with more ties for the tunnel. Ken came down for a couple of days and finished putting the guard rails on the trestle and we put the track on the ground for our new main line bypass.
Happy Railroading!
August 10, 2022
Not a bad day until the rain started. We still managed to get some things done. Jim cut some of the grass. We worked on the brackets for the walkway on the trestle, worked on the tunnel, and got the new curved switch for our new sidings. Full day, at the track.
Happy Railroading!
July 31, 2022
Well, our tunnel repair got off to a flying start. Matt did track maintenance while we started on the tunnel. A lot of uncertainty, but Chuck and Richard got it started. Not as easy as we thought, but that’s ok, all in a day at the track.
Happy Railroading!
July 29, 2022
Well, we hit a high point, the trestle is connected. Also got the grass mowed. All we need is someone to try out the trestle.
Happy Railroading!
July 23, 2022
Just a little side work. Got the curved switch done and ready to be installed.
Happy Railroading!
July 18, 2022
How about these hot days?! Jim mowed the grass and did some spraying. All I had to do was a little touch-up and some trim work. Got the rail blended for our new curved main line switch. We put up 20 ft of track on our new trestle. All we need is about 15ft to connect the run. Also worked on a tree that had fallen down.
Happy Railroading!
May 18, 2022
Getting a lot done recently! The last stand is up for the framework, the last switch is in for the cross-over, and finally, the west side of the trestle is on the steel. Also, a new lifting beam is up.
Happy Railroading!
May 13, 2022
Update the club will not have a run this memorial day. We are having trouble with the tunnel. We will be there, no running!
Happy Railroading!
May 13, 2022
Got a little work done on our new trestle. Got the other head block in and two more uprights to hold the framework. Rolling right along!
Happy Railroading!
May 11, 2022
While working on the line today, Jim came by to test run a new diesel locomotive!
Happy Railroading!
May 5, 2022
Boy, what a nice couple of days! We got the grass mowed before the rain. Also, got one of the hold-down points for the trestle framework.
Happy Railroading!
May 2, 2022
The club now has a new account at the bank. If you want to write a check for dues make it out to Richard Sink Steamers. Sorry for the trouble.
Happy Railroading!
April 30, 2022
Boy, the crew came thru! The beams are in place and ready to bolt together. Would like to thank Craig, Chuck, Ken, and Richard. Job well done!
Happy Railroading!
March 31, 2022
We got an update on our bank situation. We were looking into getting a bank IRS ID number however, it is a no go under blue ridge live steamers. We are continuing to look into other options and will keep you updated when more information is available.
Happy Railroading
March 22, 2022
Got some bad news. The bank that we had for the club, changed its rules and closed our account, so we can not take any more checks for dues made payable to the club at the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Happy Railroading!
March 19, 2022
Got a little work done where the tree had fallen on the line. Got the tree cut up, but not moved. It did a number on the track and is not run-able.
Running season is almost here, and we need help getting things done to be ready. Suggestions are welcome. We are going to start Saturday workdays. If interested call or text Richard Sink to let him know if you will come.
Happy Railroading!
March 15, 2022
It looks like we have some track damage to fix. Planning on an overnight trip to the track on Thursday and will try and get some things done. Will try and cut up that tree and see how much damage is done.
Happy Railroading!
February 2, 2022
Little cold to do any concrete work, so I am working on the little projects. Our bunkhouse now has a porch light. Still waiting on spring!
Happy Railroading!
January 12, 2022
Not a bad day, got the last bulkhead poured and ready for block. Got up the last of the tree and some brush. Ready for spring!
Happy Railroading!
December 22, 2021
What a cold day, didn't get much done, but moving right along. Worked on the bulkhead a little and removed one of our pine trees, no more gone.
From the club, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Happy Railroading!
December 16, 2021
Boy, I can't lose a good day, so got to more piers done, had to get one out of the dirt. Working out well, now I can work on the other bulkhead. coming right along.
Happy Railroading!