Now is your chance to run trains on our scenic 5 acres of track in the heart of the Blue Ridge.
Application Process
You submit an application in the area down below.
We will email you to discuss more about the club and membership, and which one best suits you.
After we have discussed with you about the club. We will discuss payment methods with you.
Memberships shall run from July 1st through June 30th, renewal payments are due before July 1st.
Membership Offerings
Junior Engineer Membership $50/year
For individuals between and including the ages of twelve (12) and twenty-two (22) years of age and a full-time student. For an individual to be accepted as a Junior Engineer, the individual must meet these additional criteria:
Must be sponsored by two members (Conductor, Engineer, or Trainmaster)
If under the age of 18, must have appropriate permission to join the club from a parent or legal guardian
Must be able to receive emergency medical treatment until a parent or legal guardian is contacted
Must have a member with them to use track equipment
Engineer Membership $75/year
For individuals who wish to support the track, have an interest in railroading, live outside a radial distance of 150 miles of Blue Ridge Live Steamers, and/or only wish to operate their own equipment during meets or special events.
Those who would like year-round access or use BRLS track equipment would need to apply for Conductor.
Conductor Membership $150/year
For individuals who are 18 years of age or older, who are engaged in teaching, training, construction, maintenance, or operation of railroads and locomotives.
Conductors shall be entitled to regular access to the track outside of scheduled meets and, for an additional fee(s), buildings, storage options, use of the facility for camping (dry camping will still be allowed for others, when available), and the use of railcar equipment.
Locomotive equipment will be restricted to those with the proper knowledge, operating experience, safety acumen and skills necessary to operate said locomotives as approved by Trainmasters.
Family Membership $200/year
For family members consisting of two adult individuals (member and member partner) and their legal dependents that are under the age of 18 (22 while full-time students living within the Family Member’s home as the principal address or that live in the same household).
Grandparents will also have the ability to include their minor grandchildren so long as their parents or legal guardians sign the appropriate paperwork.
Any Family Member who turns 18/22 during a calendar year will need to apply for their own membership the following year.
All Family Members will have the same rights, privileges, and obligations as a Junior Engineer, Engineer, or Conductor, but the adult Family Members will be in attendance, responsible and liable for the oversite and actions of any underaged individual that is part of the Family Membership while on the railroad grounds.
Special designation is given on a case-by-case basis for those who have contributed significantly to BRLS. The membership fee will be 50% of the Conductor level for the duration of the Trainmaster’s involvement with BRLS.